Thursday, December 4, 2008

a morning in the life...

i woke up this morning with terrible cramps. i took some advil, sprawled out on our couch, and proceeded to watch "britney: for the record" on MTV. yeah, i don't know.

i looked out the window, watching the snow falling down, swirling around... and noticed some activity by the pumpkins that are still decorating our patio. a squirrel had gnawed his way through half of one of the smaller pumpkins. for almost an hour this animal gorged itself on the orange innards of the small squash, leaving a mess behind for me to clean up. i guess that's what i get for having pumpkins outside my front door in december.

1 comment:

appleandi said...

yep, they have started eating ours too. you step on my front porch and you are in fall, you walk through the front door and it is christmas! yeah i need to pitch them!